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Our privacy policy
There are three main reasons why Action Planning collects information from our website visitors: to enable us to follow up enquiries about our consultancy work; to provide details of jobs on our Jobs Board; and to send out useful and relevant information. We never make our data available to to ohers for third party marketing.
We collect personal details via the sign-up forms on our website - the minimum information we require is name, email address, job title and the organisation you represent. We will only ask for the information we really need to enable us to deliver the services we’re offering. And we will always be clear about how we intend to use it.
We take the security and privacy of your information very seriously and have robust security measures in place. If we ask another organisation to provide services for us, eg building the website, we make sure they do too.
Our full privacy policy is available via the link at the bottom of our website and if you have any questions, please email us at