Associate Community Coordinator



Associate Community Coordinator

As Action Planning approaches its 30th anniversary, it’s amazing to look back and see how the organisation has grown and developed. It now has over 170 Consultants registered as Associates - keeping an up to date working knowledge of their skills, experience and availability is no easy task. We are also mindful that there is so much more we could be doing to create a sense of community for our Associates which will enable us to better work together, and also create more opportunities to sell our wide range of services to more clients – something that is good for both Action Planning and our Associates!

We have therefore created an opportunity for one (or possibly more) independent consultant(s) to work with Action Planning to help co-ordinate this aspect of our work and to create a shared sense of community among the associates. The consultant will also contribute to Action Planning’s marketing activity and to our thinking about service improvement, development and innovation. More details about the work can be found HERE.

We are inviting expressions of interest from consultants who would be interested in undertaking this assignment. I am aware that the skill set required is quite wide, and there may be potential for more than one consultant to undertake the assignment by splitting the work into different areas.

We anticipate that the work will take on average 1-2 days per week, although there is likely to be a peak in workload at the beginning of the project of up to 3-4 days per week. I would expect to pay a day rate in the region of £200-£300.

Please send your expression of interest to Tracy Madgwick, Action Planning’s Associate who is managing the appointment process for us at . Your expression of interest should include an up to date CV and a covering letter outlining how your skills and experience will enable you to deliver this assignment, and which areas of the assignment you would be most interested in undertaking.

If this assignment is not of interest to you, but you know someone else who might be interested in a self-employed role of this nature, do please let them know about this opportunity.

The closing date for responses is 5pm on Friday 20 September 2019. 

No agencies please.