Andy Strajnic

Andy Strajnic grew up in Sweden and has lived in the UK since 1994.

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 He was the senior leader of a church in Oxfordshire for 20 years whilst also serving as a Trustee and mentor for various charities before taking on the role of charity specialist and advisor at a charity advisory firm in 2020. He now runs a consultancy firm, Pathway Consultancy Ltd. He lives just outside Chichester, West Sussex, with his wife Louise and two teenage boys. 


Clients range from various large national networks of charities to the small local Foodbank. 

Charities need sympathetic trusted people to ask the right questions, quickly understand the organisation and what it needs to continue it’s work well. Often, change is needed, and my work is to get the right help, from the right people in a most affordable way. 

My approach is highly relational and friendly, and I am often being called on to help board and executive work better together. 

Most common work is centered around the following areas and can be delivered online or in-person in engaging and relevant ways. 

  • Trustee Governance training 
  • Trustee Induction Training 
  • Governance Reviews and implementations 
  • C-me Training and Team building for organisation strengthening. 
  • Facilitation of Trustee/Team away days 