Michelle is the founder and Chief Executive of Link Up (UK), a charity dedicated to combatting prejudice and overcoming divisions in society.
Michelle Lawrence

Michelle is the founder and Chief Executive of Link Up (UK) (, a charity dedicated to combatting prejudice and overcoming divisions in society. Michelle started her career in marketing, before moving into the voluntary sector, initially running corporate and community giving for Centrepoint, then as a consultant; developing and implementing strategic and fundraising plans.
Since 2005, she has focused her attention on the subject of cohesion; covering interfaith and citizenship programmes that build bridges between different communities. In 2012 she set up Link Up (UK) to help overcome misconceptions and discrimination. Initiatives - including the Family Tree, myth busting quizzes and education materials – look at belonging, identity and changing attitudes.
She is the co-founder and Trustee of Belong, the Cohesion and Integration Network, a cross sector model she developed to bring together, support and share the ideas, projects, research, knowledge and skills of the organisations and individuals working in the field of cohesion.