Action Planning’s Three Minute Survey for Charity CEOs
1. What are your greatest concerns about the next six months?

2. What are your most pressing fundraising worries at this time?

3. Which people issues are you facing?

4. Please share your top tip for other leaders for the new normal?
"Take care of yourself"
"Maintain your resilience and health and that of your senior team"
"Breathe, and look after your own well-being so that you can look after your team. Know that you’re not in it alone."
"Rethink your strategy, and your strategising - work with your trustees on a framework (something like; our core offers/ our nice to haves) yet allow for flex within that framework. And take enough time for your own mental health - REALLY take time. Go for a walk and think through a problem. Call a colleague. Work somewhere different to your home office for a change, if you can. Keep in touch with your peers."
"Look after your staff"
"Don't be too hard on yourself! This is difficult and nobody is going to get everything right every time."
"Having a presence in whatever way you can!"
"Trust your staff, keep in touch, offer continuing flexibility in working arrangements"
"Be kind where possible; firm when necessary; take deep breaths and remind yourself of the positives."
"Pray and ask. Almighty God is a loving Father who cares for the people we minister to more than we do."
"Be open with staff / share / discuss and involve everyone in discussions about the challenges faced and seek ideas from everyone - those delivering services know what is needed and often have great ideas as to how it should be achieved."
"Remember that you are going through this too so allow yourself some time to pause and reflect."
"Create projects that fit in with the new normal"
"Stay calm and do what you can."
"Stop Sweating the Small Stuff"
"Just immerse yourself in each day's issues one at a time whilst being flexible with your strategic plan"
"Remain focused but be able to turn on a sixpence"
"Look after yourself as well as your staff. Easier said than done I know!"
"keep in contact with your base - you can't over communicate."
"Be flexible and think outside the box"
"Don't try to work everything out, don't pretend to your staff that you know all the answers in the time of uncertainty. Instead, make your staff feel that you care even more about them, and have informal time with them, even if it means coffee online before your official meetings."
"Listen to what your staff are telling you and be prepared to operate flexibly across all areas of the business."
"Being open minded and able to adapt to any situation in a crisis through good crisis planning."
"Be open to change. Set up "creativity gyms" amongst your staff and wider to allow people to get out of their usual silos and start problem solving together"
"Be flexible and get used to planning and replanning. Don't forget to look back and acknowledge small successes."
"Communication! Talk to people more often internally and externally"
"remain flexible and positive - "even the bad times are good""
"Survive the knockbacks and keep plugging away"
"Focus on your core mission and purpose, cut out the fluff!"
"Re-evaluate your vision, ensure it is fit for purpose in this environment, and pursue it relentlessly"
"Keep a calm head however bad things get and always put your beneficiaries first and last"
"Make it happen it can be done."
"Meet as often as possible"
"Stay visible at the front. If staff and volunteers are having to take risks, ensure they are joined by you."
"A regular vitual coffee-meeting for staff to "drop in" to allow for informal catch ups between staff. Make sure to switch off and take some time for yourself, otherwise work, family and home life all merge!"