We were very concerned to read the detailed allegations against one of our Associate Consultants in The Times article of Saturday 15th October about the Chartered Institute of Fundraising. Action Planning in no way condones any form of harassment.

There have been some queries about why we did not act to terminate the Associate’s contract as soon as this matter was brought to our attention. In fact, we began an investigation immediately but at that time we were unable to obtain sufficient information to justify removing the associate from our books. It was not until the detailed allegations emerged in the Times that we had that information, at which point we took the necessary steps and accepted the resignation of associate fundraising consultant Bill Giles.
We have been trusted by the not-for-profit sector for more than thirty years, seek to uphold the highest standards of ethics on behalf of our clients and require our consultants to conduct themselves accordingly. All our consultants are required to follow the Chartered Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Fundraising Practice, the Code of Ethics of EU Consult, and all relevant Charity Commission guidance when they sign the Associate Agreement and as a result of this incident, we will also be introducing our own, unified Code of Conduct to specifically state the behaviours that we expect all associates to follow.