International Women’s Day – What does it mean to you?
On International Women’s Day, we asked Action Planning Associate Consultants how the day resonated with them. Here’s what they said.
Claire Smith
“I’ll never forget meeting Kai Rae, in rural Cambodia. We sat, drinking strong coffee, in her small mud-walled home and she beamed as she showed me her books. I was on a reporting assignment for a charity which ran literacy classes for women. Growing up in poverty, Kai Rae had never had the opportunity go to school. But thanks to the charity, she’d learned to read – and it opened up a whole world.
“Now, Kai Rae can help her children with homework, get a fair price for the food she grows, buy the right medication when the family is ill. Literacy has grown her confidence and self-esteem. It’s truly life-changing. So when I think of International Women’s Day, and this year’s focus, ‘Invest in women, accelerate progress,’ I think of women like Kai Rae. And I celebrate the amazing work done by so many charities to empower women who’ve been left behind.”
Victoria Fafalios
Shalini Jain
Emma Insley
Naomi Buckler
Ruth Mulryne
“That we still need a day to inspire conversations and action makes me feel sad and frustrated, yet it is meaningful to so many women across the globe still fighting for gender equality and women's rights. So celebrating women and using IWD for the biggest noise possible I will always support. But I want every day to see women able to access brilliant opportunities, to be supported positively by EVERYONE around them, to proudly be themselves, to know their voice is heard and see their achievements championed and celebrated. We each have a responsibility to invest our time in each other, include and not exclude, the women we connect with. It will make innovation and brilliant decision making guaranteed and accelerate all our ambitions.
“To the women around me who are inspiring, supportive, determined, real, often tired(!) but forever looking forward, don't stop!”
Clare Mcintosh
Anja Batist-Sonksen
Sarah Divina
Felicia Willow
“The charity sector is far from a leader when it comes to equality. In a sector quite rightly criticised as being #charitysowhite, the sector is also male dominated at the top. This IWD, if the charity sector is going to ‘invest in women, accelerate progress’, we need to take our diversity obligations a lot more seriously.
“Despite women making up more than two-thirds of charity employees, only one third of the largest 100 charities by income have a woman CEO, and men Trustees still outnumber women two-to-one. My work delivering governance reviews highlights that the Charity Governance Code pillar of Diversity is the area of worst performance across the sector. Boards need to identify and break down all the barriers to inclusion so that women – and those with intersecting identities – can participate. Only then will we accelerate progress.”
Dawn Ray
Joy Gascoigne
“I love Max Lucado’s story, You Are Special. It’s about the Wemmicks, small wooden people, all different but each owning a box of shiny golden star stickers and a box of grey dot stickers. Every day they gave each other stickers. Those who were attractive, intelligent, or successful were given star stickers, while those who made mistakes, had chipped paint, or scratches were given dot stickers. After a time, it seemed everyone was covered in stickers, including Punchinello. He had more dots than stickers; in fact, he was close to breaking point from the weight of everything he was carrying. But then he met Lucia. Lucia was different. She had no stars and no dots but remained shiny and bright, original and new, uncluttered by stickers. “What’s your secret?” Punchinello ventured to ask. Lucia’s answer was simple: “Every day I go to see Eli, who made us. When I’m there all the stickers fall off, they just don’t matter any longer.”
I love IWD. It’s about a world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. A world where stickers fall off and just don’t matter any longer?
Clare Bamberger
“After all the performative nonsense, token gestures, PR opportunities and bandwagon jumping of 8th March has died down, let’s have a look at how the world functions for women. I read a heartfelt tribute by a man, written no doubt with the very best of intentions. It’s all about celebrating women for the way they have supported him. And there you have it. The underlying assumptions which are the basis of how most countries, economies institutions, companies, even households are run. Policies do not treat women as equal, budget decisions are not thought through as to how they affect women, let alone other disadvantaged groups.
“We believed that educating girls was one of the best ways to achieve equality, or even equity. It hasn’t led to either though – overall women start out with the same, or even better, qualifications at work but we are still held back by attitudes and especially by policies and laws. The media, the film industry (look up the Bechdel test), TV, advertising, the press all tend to portray women in certain ways. There’s the “mini-man” – the strong woman; the “carer”, the “victim” – oh you know how many there are. And sometimes, just sometimes, we see a woman or group of women shown on their own terms without reference to men. We need more.
“Changes in laws and policies can lead slowly, slowly to changes in attitudes. in the UK it’s only a hundred years since a woman could vote, only 50 years since a women could get a credit card, a bank account or a mortgage in her own name (!). Think about that, my own mother would not have been able to be independent financially, without a man to vouch for her, until she was in her forties.
“We need to speed up the policies and laws that can lead to equity that can lead to justice because leading to changes in attitudes takes time. To adapt the quote attributed to Mahatma Ghandi: ‘Change policies as if you were to die tomorrow. Campaign as if you were to live forever’.”
So what does IWD mean to you? You can post your comments here.
Tim Glynne-Jones is a copywriter and author who runs the not-for-profit live music events organisation New Music Nights as a volunteer. He works mainly in marketing and non-fiction book publishing and is responsible for content at Action Planning.

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