Theos Think Tank reveals depth of economic insecurity among people of faith
By Linda Trew
Hannah Rich from Theos Think Tank has revealed the findings of new research on the impact of growing economic insecurity on faith communities and charities.
Between January and August 2022, Theos Think Tank interviewed people from a range of different religious backgrounds, including Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and Jewish. They found that there were insecurities around income/finance, work, housing, food and migration status.
Hannah revealed how some migrants said they were afraid of seeking help in case their status was questioned and they might be deported.
There is also an impact on volunteering, due to the rising cost of living, especially travel costs. Where volunteers were previously happy to travel and saw the cost of doing so as part of their giving, the cost of petrol is now making it unaffordable.
As we know. the economic crisis is not just affecting individuals but organisations too. There was a stark reminder that when charities close down, they don't come back, even when things improve. So how can we protect ourselves as organisations? Where can we share resources to reduce costs? Who could we collaborate or merge with?
You may be in this situation yourself and need some help to think through the options and come up with a plan. Speaking with a consultant who is removed from the situation and can give independent advice can be invaluable to help see a way forward. If you would like to speak with someone, please call 01737 814758 or email
Linda Trew is a dynamic leader with strategic vision, who, in 20 years of working in the charity sector, has developed strategies and led in all areas of fundraising, as well as brand development, communications, marketing and external affairs. She has a demonstrated history of working at senior level in international, national and local charities and has set, managed and achieved multi-million-pound budgets developing sustainable income streams.

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