This service is specifically designed to help small charities to build the right foundations for growth.
Small Charity Support to increase growth, sustainability and to help with fundraising and governance

Our Special Offers
Access to the scAn analysis tool, bespoke report, and 4 hours of individual specialist consultant time costs only £354 (Including VAT)
The subscription for 2 hours consultancy support from an appropriate Action Planning Associate Consultant is just £165 (Including VAT) per month.
Complete the form to discuss next steps
The service includes the use of the small charity analysis tool - scAn -to explore the type of support you might need in three core areas of growth: Income Generation, Organisational Governance and Audience Engagement.
We believe one size doesn’t fit all.
Most charities are small, and while this can be a real strength it also means that the type of support you need may be different to larger organisations. Action Planning is committed to offering affordable and accessible support designed to help small charities address the many challenges which can destabilise growth, enabling you to operate with energy and flexibility, and respond quickly to the evolving needs of the communities you serve.
How does it work?
The Small Charity service is designed and delivered around the needs of smaller organisations
with a solution that delivers immediate impact and supports sustainable growth.

Where are you now?
The Action Planning Small Charity Analysis Tool – scAn - guides you through a set of questions designed to reflect an objective perspective on how you are doing in three core areas of growth: Income Generation, Organisational Governance and Audience Engagement. This takes around 20 minutes to complete.
Upon completion you receive a bespoke report with a detailed analysis of your responses, highlighting recommendations for priority planning and action.

Immediate Impact
You now select a focus for the four hours of targeted consultancy support delivered to you personally, online, by an Action Planning Associate Consultant. They will be a specialist with experience in the priority areas for your organisational growth and development.

Sustainable Growth
As an optional extra you can access the experience and expertise of over 100 Action Planning Consultants with our subscription service, which provides 2 hours consultancy support per month, to help you address any of the varied challenges you are facing as the organisation grows.
You will receive feedback measures on three areas: Income Generation, Organisational Governance and Audience Engagement, looking at performance, prioritisation, competence. You will receive a bespoke detailed analysis just for you based on your responses, highlighting recommendations for priority planning and action.
We believe this small charity support can help maximise the effectiveness, impact, and value of your organisation. The service provides an objective reflection of performance priorities and skills for your charity, which can help to inform strategy, share a clear understanding of what’s important, provide reassurance regarding the direction for change and inform a case for support or funding application. How you use the information is up to you! We start our journey together, from wherever you are now…
Over the years, many small charities have turned to Action Planning, and we have given what help we can. But as a private company without the benefits of grant funding, we have to charge for our services – and that can sometimes make us unaffordable for smaller charities operating on very tight budgets. This service is designed specifically to help small charities to build the right foundations for growth.
We recognise that small charities, (voluntary and community organisations with an annual income of less than £1m), are characterised by their energy, flexibility, and ability to respond. Their person-centred view of the world provides a strong and powerful voice which connects with the needs of the community around them. However, small charities face many challenges which can destabilise them as they grow, finding the delicate balance between generating sustainable income and meeting the demand for services with limited time and resources to support an increasing workload.
Over 80% of our consultants have experience working in and with small charities. We want to share our expertise, and we want to help.
Once we’ve seen the results of your analysis tool and sent you the report we will recommend to you a consultant who specialises in the area that you choose as a priority. Our consultants have extensive experience of small charities and specialise in areas ranging from fundraising to governance to marketing, communications and audience engagement. They will contact you to arrange a time online. You are free to bring anyone from your team. You can decide together how best to structure the 4 hours available to you.
No, there are no strings attached, and no obligations beyond the initial support package. For those who want to continue with some level of affordable external support we have some offers and options for ongoing monthly support if you would find it helpful.
Action Planning want to ensure that consultancy support is affordable and accessible to small charities. The subscription service offers a way to access a huge range of expertise for 2 hours at only £165 (Including VAT) a month. Payments can be made on a quarterly or annual basis. There is a minimum term of 3 months and discounts are available when signing up for 6 months or longer.
What do others say?

"The analysis has helped us to consolidate our thinking and raise awareness of the interdependencies between income generation, organisational governance and audience engagement."
Georgina Carr – CEO The Neurological Alliance

"The Small Charity Analysis was very easy to use, and the questions themselves caused me to think about some aspects of our organisational health in new ways. Then the sessions were so useful. They left us with a real buzz of excitement, and we have plans now which will hopefully keep the excitement building. Thank you!”
Lesley Gladwell – CEO Rebuild East Midlands

"Even just the first stages have made me think about things that we need that have either slipped down the priority list or that we haven’t thought of before. It has been useful"
Kara Lee – CEO Bexley Mencap
Small Charity Case Studies
Small Charity Consultancy Case Studies
What do I do next?