Strategic planning for charities and not-for-profits

Vision and development

The Action Planning Strategy team can help you develop your organisation and ensure that you take your whole team with you on your future direction. Send an enquiry to arrange an initial, no obligation chat about your strategy need.

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Strategy Development by charity consultants action planning

Strategy Development

Giving your vision a practical plan

Having a clear organisational strategy which everyone can align behind is vital to ensure you can achieve your vision and mission. Our strategy and business planning experts will take the time to get to know you and your organisation before helping to establish a robust, future focused and sustainable plan for the organisation. We can help you consult with a range of stakeholders so that your new strategy recognises the changing world you are working in and how you are best placed to drive impact.

The objectivity our consultants provide is often transformational in enabling every voice to be heard and facilitating constructive discussion. This is crucial not only for developing the best possible co-designed strategy for your organisation and its culture, but for ensuring buy-in from everyone involved, from staff to trustees; service users to donors.

Organisational Development by action planning's governance team

Organisational Development

Managing change, from growth to succession

There comes a time in the life cycle of every charity where it goes from kitchen table to boardroom and beyond. Such seismic shifts need careful planning to ensure you have the capacity and vision to sustain the work that has got you to this point. Our organisational development consultants can work alongside you to advise and support you through change.

By taking an objective view of your situation and goals, we can provide a change management service that assess the risks, identifies the opportunities and ensures that everyone is left with a clear understanding of the way forward and a role that fires their enthusiasm.

Strategic Review Away Day Facilitation by charity specialists

Strategic Review

Checking your plan is taking you in the right direction

When the time comes to review your strategic plan, it helps to take everyone out of the day-to-day working environment. Our strategy consultants can facilitate an awayday where your Board and management team are invited to think and speak freely, opening the way to creative ideas and a clearer sense of your organisation’s purpose.

We will speak to each of you in advance, enabling every voice to be heard and every opinion to be taken into consideration. Even when the outcome is simply confirmation of what you’re doing already, our Strategic Review service never fails to leave a more confident and cohesive team spirit.

Monitoring and Evaluation – Show the difference you’re making

Monitoring and Evaluation

Show the difference you’re making

If planning and implementation are the drivers of your organisation’s aims, monitoring and evaluation are the navigation tools by which you first plot your course and then ensure you’re sticking to it. Change your culture to be more outcomes focused, demonstrate the difference you’re making to stakeholders and boost internal morale.

We can provide you with the tools and methods to help you demonstrate the outcomes of your work, prove your effectiveness and show that your strategy promises are being met. We also offer in-house training in the use of monitoring and evaluation systems and advise on appropriate products to aid the process.

Awayday Facilitation – Enabling clear collective thinking

Awayday Facilitation

Enabling clear collective thinking

For planning matters that require collective input, such as developing your vision and mission, taking everyone off-site for a day of creative collaboration can be of enormous benefit, especially when the day is facilitated by an experienced and objective third party like Action Planning.

We specialise in putting together stimulating, task-based awaydays that address your organisation’s specific challenges and yield workable outcomes. By using our expert facilitators, you can focus on participating fully during the day. Our awaydays are particularly effective for building unity within leadership teams and strengthening the relationship between Chair and CEO.

The Nuts and bolts of Business Planning for Charities

Business Planning

Taking care of the nuts and bolts

There is often confusion over what is a Strategic Plan and what is a Business Plan. A Strategic Plan tends to be more visionary and contain more words, whilst a Business Plan is more about the nuts and bolts of the operation and contains more numbers. In fact, any plan needs both parts: a Business Plan without vision is uninspiring; a Strategic Plan that doesn’t address the nuts and bolts of delivery is probably never going to happen.

Our consultants will support you in drafting your business plan, by ensuring that everyone who needs to have input is heard and steering discussions to a constructive conclusion.

Case Studies

Recent Strategic Planning work completed

Meet our strategic planning Team

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